Thursday, September 18, 2008

I feel like Queen Elizabeth was a feminist in her time and in her era. Although she could not publicly state it and display obvious acts of said feminism, I feel like she really did try to equalize men and women as best as she could during her rein. The fact that she did not marry but possibly had lovers’ serves as proof that she didn’t have a problem with standing out in efforts to be independent. The second fact that she had her alleged lovers executed serves as another proof that she might have believed in woman calling the shots. The term feminism did not yet exist during this time, which is probably why there is a debate as to whether she was in fact a feminist or not, but from what I’ve read I strongly feel that she did everything in her power and to her knowledge to make herself a good ruler, regardless of her sex. Obviously, she couldn’t have drastically changed the entire kingdom for men and women to have the same rights because she grew up in a world where people where taught their places in society. The world that these people lived in was used to women being considered lesser. If any drastic change had occurred, I don’t think they would have been ready for it and they probably would have overthrown Queen Elizabeth. In my opinion, Queen Elizabeth was really smart in the ways she ran her country. She knew how to ensure her seat on the thrown while still ruling the way she wanted.

1 comment:

  1. Well written, Gabby. Also, you do a good job of proving your point with examples. I think your final point, in particular, is very good -- she did the best she could do under the circumstances.
    Good job.


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