Monday, March 30, 2009

Togo Article

Despite the subject of it, I thought this was a very interesting article. I think it was interesting to me because I had never read an article like it before. I thought it was very interesting to read about the inhuman rights going on in Togo, especially to read about it form an actual victim in a situation dealing with drug trafficking. I think it is always better to hear about different things from someone dealing with the problem because I think it brings more clarity and truth to the situation. I know that in interviews that words can get changed up to some degree, but they can’t change everything. In addition to that, it tends to put things in perspective in saying that the people need to do something to help solve the problem. I thought that what surprised me the most were the statistics, because that also gives information on what little is actually being done. Statistics saying that 90 percent of the people are impoverished and the average per capita is $2,100 is very alarming. However, I thought this was particularly interesting to me because Togo is my region of Africa which gives me more questions as to why there is not more poetry because incidents like this amongst many of the other conflicts in Africa would cause a large amount of poetry to come from numerous areas in Africa.

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