Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jane Eyre Questions

1) I think in some instances society does sometimes influence my decisions. My mom has a heavy influence on choices, some are not always my decisions though. Me being a teenager, there is always peer pressure. In addition to that there are things like the media who influence things I do like I may dress for weather.

2) Whenever I read a book I never even think about the author's gender, simply because I don't think that has an impact on me. I read Harry Potter for quite some time never think about the whether the author was a man or woman.

3) I think that pseudonyms are used so often that I don’t actually think anything of it. My only thoughts on it are the question why people have them. I think it is interesting to see certain people with pseudonyms like Mark Twain and Reese Witherspoon. But I think it is very successful sometimes in establishing themselves.

4) Yes. I think that the most important thing to do is for that person to maintain the same feeling and sense of independence that they may have had before being in love.

5) I think that based on someone’s thoughts on what other people’s feelings about them, may affect their decision to marry. In essence, “if my social status isn’t good, no one will come to support me on my wedding day.”

6) Somewhat.

7) I believe in both generally because they each both have different meanings. In addition, I think they sometimes have heavy relation to each other based on other people’s situations.

8) I saw a cloud formation that looked like a warrior battling a dragon when I was about five years old.

9) I think that nature does have an impact on me based on what is going on. For instance if it raining outside I may dress differently and make plans differently for events I may be going to.

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