Monday, April 27, 2009

Amy Tan

This was a very interesting packet about the author Amy Tan and the strange incidents that have occurred in her life. The author has had many strange things happen to her- unexplained noises, lights turning off, etc. I think of her as a woman who would take in stride her ability to not draw conclusions off the bat. She is the kind of person who keeps an open mind and doesn’t let the mystery of these occurrences really bother her.  She has tried to speak to people about it, but her husband immediately wrote it off and her mother is convinced there are ghosts in her house. I have never had an experience with a ghost or spirit, but I believe that they exist and have the ability to communicate with us. I am a strong believer in fate. I believe that the universe is much too vast and complex for there to be no connection between people and events seeming to be just a coincidence. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, Trisha. You make a good point saying that Tan keeps an open mind about the inexplicable. She neither rejects it, nor does she run with it.


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