Thursday, May 28, 2009

half and half blog

I absolutely hated this story. It was extremely sad, very weird, and not matching up or having a good title at all. Also one part in particular bugged me a lot and made me quite angry at Nijole. I also didn’t really see any similarities between the mother and daughter in this story until after I’d read it when I thought of one or two maybe. The part that really bugged me and made me mad at Nijole was the part when Rose is describing how her relationship with Ted used to be. She said that she was always the one needing to be saved and that Ted was always the one saving her and he also made all the decisions and they were both perfectly happy that way, in fact it wasn’t until Ted stopped deciding everything and always being the savor that their marriage started getting messed up and ended, and yet somehow Nijole still manages to like this book, but for some reason she can’t like my favorite book “Twilight” for that exact reason, so that makes me mad, really mad. So I want an explanation as to why Nijole can like this book, but not “Twilight” when the reason she claims not to like “Twilight” is because she doesn’t like the fact that Bella is always being saved by Edward and that she lets him decide most things and that is exactly what Rose was like with Ted, oh and don’t say you can like this book because Rose is only one character and there are other strong female characters in the book because first off, look at Ying-Ying and Lena and An-Mei when she was little before her mother came. Second, there are also very strong female characters in “Twilight”, but most of them aren’t that big of characters until the third and fourth books, but of course Nijole wouldn’t know that because she never took the time to read past the second book. Also I’d like to point out a few things to Nijole. First of all, Rose was perfectly happy to let Ted be the one saving her and for him to decide everything and so is Bella, and Rose’s marriage only messed up after Ted stopped deciding everything and saving everyone that it got messed up. So, although I am 100% for equal rights for all I do think it’s ok for women to let the man be dominant if that’s what the woman wants I think its fine as long as it’s not forced. I think that for some women it’s good for them to be dominant and for others they prefer not being the dominant person. In fact feminism was originally to fight for women’s rights so that they could have their own say and be equal instead of being forced into doing whatever society wants. Yet now that women are treated almost equally to men, some women still want to be treated the way they were or be considered an equal, but still let the man be in control, and feminists hate these women because it seams like they’re just giving in, but that’s not necessarily true. Maybe some of them are giving in, but that’s not true for most because in today’s society women generally aren’t being pressured to give in to a man’s control, but in fact it’s the other way around. Other women who are feminists are pressuring the rest of their gender to be like them, which is exactly what this fight was started for, women being pressured into doing something they don’t want to by society and their peers only now the pressure is from the opposite side. So, you would think feminists would want all women to be treated equally and be able to have their own opinions without being pressured by anyone or anything and if you ask a feminist if this is what they want and are fighting for they’ll say of course, but in actuality they are doing exactly what they are fighting against without even realizing it by being the peers and society that is pressuring other women to have the same opinion, instead of letting them have their own no matter what that opinion might be without any pressuring or prejudice, only politely disagreeing. So, I ask you Nijole to please consider this and ask yourself are you really a true feminist who isn’t prejudice or one who says they are, but when it comes to disagreeing with you, you suddenly are prejudice.


  1. Wow! What a passionate entry! I can't possibly address all of the questions/comments you bring up, but I can try to get to a few -- we can talk about the rest in person!
    First, I've read three of the Twilight books!
    Second, I think that the point of Half and Half is that Rose cannot have a healthy relationship until she has the confidence to speak up for herself and express her opinions. I don't like how meek and passive she is, but I don't think I'm supposed to like that side of her. When she finally stands up to Ted, I feel like that makes it clear that the lesson is "speak up! be yourself! have a mind of your own!" but that's my interpretation. Think about it and let me know if it makes sense to you.
    And I agree -- I probably am kind of prejudiced against Twilight now. I will try very hard to read the last one without any pre-judgment!

  2. Thank you! I know I am also a little prejudiced against people who don't like Twilight, but I just feel really passionate about it, I don't know why, but I am and it's a feeling I can't describe. I do see your point about Rose and I agree, she wasn't meant to be one of the women I described, but that doesn't mean there aren't women who are supossed to be like that. In a way I feel like Rose, I have very strong opinions about some things (as you can tell), but for other things I just can't decide and want to have someone to decide for me. Thank you for reading the last book, I think that of the four books you will like it the best, Bella doesn't change the way she is about Edward, but she does have a much stronger voice in this book. Thank you again and let me know what you think when you're done I would love to try to see it from your point of view also.


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