Friday, May 29, 2009


I found this story to be very sad and disturbing. The fact that An-Mei’s mother is ripped away from her family, her two children is horrible. Her brother and his wife are so mean to her and are so offended by her presence and condescending to her when she comes back to see her children. The fact that she is only allowed to take her daughter with her is also a terrible thought. Her son is not allowed to live in a household with only one parent??? Why is that? Poor An-Mei is then rushed into a world completely different from the one that she is used to. After a weird vision or dream that she has with a turtle and birds or something, she moves into her mothers house full of her new husbands other wives, which are actually just concubines to the old fat dude. Here An-Mei is exposed to rivalry between wives as well as possible abuse by the old guy. That part was very unclear and vague so I don’t know exactly what happened when she went to his room. An-Mei must also adapt to new customs and apparel in this new world that she has been thrown into and must deal with all the hardships of being just another girl in a house full of fatherless children.

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