Monday, May 11, 2009

Response to Scar, the Red Candle and Moon Lady

I can’t really decide which story I liked the best, because they were all sort of sad and a little depressing at times. I mean so many people in the stories are forced into these impossible situations. Like in the story “The Red Candle” the girl is forced into a marriage she doesn’t really want and she is always beaten and abused by her lying husband who can’t admit the truth to his mother and it terrified of her. And in the story “Scar” the girl there is beaten and given a wicked scar because of tradition and is told to hate her own mother for life. That is physically, emotionally and psychologically impossible. And in “Moon Lady” the little girl is forced into these traditions and ceremonies that she herself doesn’t fully understand. And then she is thrown overboard from their little raft by her own grandmother. What the hell, man? I mean really it hard enough your telling her things she might not even understand but now you’re abusing her and junk because of a lousy prank and tradition and even throwing her into freezing waters. That’s just crazy.

I think that this section is called what it is because most of it happens back in China, thousands of miles away. And because of the little 1-page thing at the beginning where the lady is coming to America with a swan and is only able to keep a feather from the swan. And while trying to connect the little first page thing to the rest of the section I noticed, that a lot of stories had to do with losing something but in the end gaining something that might be able to replace. In some weird and small way.

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