Saturday, May 30, 2009


In a way I sort of liked this story for a few reasons. Although, I think it is very sad An-Mei's mother died, this sounds wrong, but I believe that for the most part her death was for the best. I think this because of how horrible their lives were. Her mother was tricked into being Wu Tsing's Fourth Wife and lost everything including the son she bore to Wu Tsing to his Second Wife. His Second Wife even tried to win over An-Mei and almost succeded, but her mother saved her by crushing one of the fake pearls on a necklace Second Wife gave her to show her it was fake. She was treated horribly, wanted her son back, hated Second Wife and wanted to stop her from getting everything she wants by faking suicide, and wanted her son to be recognized as hers and for An-Mei and her son to be treated well. An-Mei’s mother had already lost her life when she married Wu Tsing and when she committed suicide she was only giving up the last of it, but this tome she made sure it would be for the best and worth something. Her death was very sad, but by giving it up she was doing good. She planned it so it would stop Second wife and make her children’s lives better. From her death she made Wu Tsing paranoid so he promised to recognize her son as hers and to treat An-Mei and her brother as if they were his only and First Wife’s children. Also, since she actually died Second Wife’s pretend suicides wouldn’t work anymore and to prove she was in charge and could stand up for herself now An-Mei stood in front of Second Wife and smashed the fake pearl necklace she had given her under her foot and shouted like she had wanted to for so long. This part was my favorite and I loved it especially the part when she said that was day Second Wife’s hair started to turn white and she got old. I really liked this story and it made me like An-Mei much more. Overall this story is now tied with “The Red Candle” as to which is my favorite, I guess I’ll just have to wait to find out for sure which one I like best.


  1. I'm glad you liked this story. I agree with you -- for some reason, this one and The Red Candle are the stories that I remember most vividly. I think because the situations are so foreign to us. Are you liking the book in general?

  2. Yes, I am I think these are very inspirational stories, althogh I don't like some of them they are good stories. I'm acctually surprised I like the book I wasn't expecting to have injoyed it because at the beginning of the book I wasn't liking it, but I am now.


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