Friday, May 15, 2009

Rules of game and Voices from the wall

These two stories are very different from the others we've read becuase they both involve a lot of understanding things, and learning how to deal with things. For example, in "Rules of the Game", Waverly is this girl named after her street, and she suddenly has a strong interest in chess after seeing somebody playing it. She starts playing a lot of chess, and the more she plays, the more she understands it, and the more she starts thinking about her moves. As she progresses, she is told that chess is basically a game of secrets that you never tell, and once she's told that, she seems to try and keep her "secret" better. However, in "Voices from the Wall", it's about how people interperate other people's actions and emotions. For example, in "Voices from the Wall", the little girl's father was really ignorant, and obviously didn't know how to interperate his wife's actions, because he would think whenever she would make good food for dinner that she was trying to say that she was happy and that she wanted the family to be happy, when really she was raised to be able to cook very well, and it really came naturally. Also, i liked the way the girl in this story would purposely mis-translate things her parents would say to help her parents out; that just seems like she's very delicate, and sensative. Also, this story is unique because the girl in this story, at midnight would see another girl get chopped into peices, and the next day the girl was walking down the street laughing.

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