Sunday, January 25, 2009

P and P #2.

In these chapters of Pride and Prejudice, the Bennet’s go to another ball which the Bingley’s and Mr. Darcy attend. During the ball Elizabeth Bennet and her friend Charolette discuss Mr. Darcy and what he is like. Then when Mr. Darcy is asked to dance with Elizabeth he accepts but Elizabeth refuses. Later Jane is invited to dine with Mr. Bingley, and Jane’s mother tells Jane to take the horse and not the carriage because its going to rain and then Jane will have to spend the night at the Bingley’s, but then Jane gets a cold and she must stay at Nehterfield for a few days. There Elizabeth watches over Jane and eats dinner with the Bingley’s and Mr. Darcy and joins them in the drawing room every few nights. Eventually the Bennet family arrives at Netherfield and Elizabeth is overly embarrased at how her parents act in fron of her toward Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. Mrs. Bennet is openly polite to Mr. Bingley and extremely rude to Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bingley then promises the Bennets that he will throw a ball as soon as Jane is better.

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