Sunday, February 15, 2009


I can not believe what Lady Catherine De Bourgh says to Elizabeth! She just comes up to her house and starts yelling at her and telling her that she is selfish because if she ended up with Darcy she would taint the family name. the fact that Darcy likes Elizabeth is not even Elizabeth’s fault, she did not even flirt with him. Lady Catherine is determined however, and demands to know if she is going to marry Darcy, Elizabeth teases her for a bit telling her that its none of her business but not responding with a yes or no until finally she says she has no plans of marrying him, but refuses to promise that she will say no if he proposes again. I think this proves one of Jane Austen’s main points about society. She depicts how people who have a lot of money think that other people who are not as fortunate are inferior to them and think that they can say and do whatever they want without any regard for other peoples feelings. Lady Catherine De Bourgh is really snooty and rude and fit’s the profile of someone who thinks she owns the world. All in all, I’m glad Elizabeth was the bigger person who could just turn her back and walk away.

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