Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pride and Prejudice assignment 11

I like some aspects of the ending more then others. For example, I like the way that Lady Catherine's plans for Darcy to marry her daughter was completely out of the picture. Also, i think that it kind of in a way turned the book from a suspenseful book to, what I like to call a "Disney Ending". This ending was another, "and they lived happily ever after" ending, which was a little bit disappointing, but I guess the book was eventually leading to the moment that everyone gets married. Overall, i think that the book was very entertaining and straight to the point, unlike "Jane Eyre" which i like. Also, I like the way that Jane Austen writes the book as if these characters act like they're real people that make mistakes and don't always do the right thing, and are mischievous. For example, Wickham was a very bad villain, he took advantage of many girls, and then just kicked them to the curve, and always likes to seem like he's all innocent and he likes to say that he was the one with the bad childhood, when really, he had a lot of opportunities that he didn't take.

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